Successful symposium at the sportklinik.ERFURT: “Gonarthrosis Update 2017”
Erfurt, April 08, 2017 – On Saturday, April 08, 2017, the sportklinik.ERFURT organized the symposium “Gonarthrosis Update 2017” in cooperation with the sports agency BSports, Marketing & Management.
More than 90 guests from radiology, orthopedics, surgery and physiotherapy fields were welcomed the day. The event began already at 08:00 a.m. with a welcome to all participants by Dr. Peter Ullmann, medical specialist for orthopedics at the sportklinik.ERFURT.
Eight other experts presented, discussed and explained gonarthrosis related topics to the guests.
Besides presentations held by specialists about both traditional and new trends in the diagnosis and treatment in knee joint wear and tear, also critical discussions about the importance of the role of arthroscopy in gonarthrosis were the focus of the event.
Among the speakers, were included doctors from the sportklinik.ERFURT -Dr. Lieasaus, Dr. Irlenbusch, Dr. Kahl, Dr. Ullmann- as well as Dr. Kusch from the medical office of radiology in Erfurt, Dr. Herzai from the medical office of radiology in Jena and Dr. Gansen from the ambulatory rehabilitation center “Reha am Kreuz” in Erfurt.
The sportklinik.ERFURT and the sports agency BSports, Marketing & Management would like to thank all participants for the successful event.