BSports, Marketing & Management considers itself as a young emerging company characterized by the union of passion for sport with experience in the marketing and business management field. At BSports we are committed to constantly developing innovative ideas and implementing them quickly, reliably and with the utmost commitment.

Our goal is to expand our current network of collaborators to new business partners. Trust is certainly the necessary basis in order to maintain partnerships and business relationships for a long-term period. Our goal is to build and strengthen such trust every day. That´s why our code of conduct provides us with valuable indications on how to gain mutual trust during everyday work life and serves as a guidance for what we should not do to avoid putting our won trust recklessly at risk.


Our code of conduct applies equally to both the business owner and all BSports employees. In carrying out our commercial activities, we observe laws and regulations in force as well as cultural habits.

Each individual employee is responsible for achieving the desired objectives through an ethical approach that should be unequivocally compliant with the law. Integral conduct is not overshadowed by the achievement of business results. We are committed to ensuring that all employees are aware of the code and comply with its rules. Per contract, all employees commit themselves to comply with company directives during our daily work activities. All employees must notify us any possible violation of these directives. To succeed in this, we strongly believe in a working environment which is free from fears of negative consequences in reporting any information concerning a violation of the aforementioned code.


Our business activities are entirely oriented at the wishes of our customers, whose requests are handled always with the utmost care. We consider honesty and transparency to be the right basis for long-term business relationships. Therefore, we can guarantee to process our customers’ requests in the best possible way and with the maximum responsibility.

When we conquer and assist new customers, we always offer our services in compliance with the laws in force. Our customers data are collected, processed and used exclusively in compliance with the law in force and with the company directives.


BSports pays great attention to diligent and reliable information handling received in the agency. We protect both corporate data and our customers and employees’ data from unauthorized access as well as from their fraudulent use and loss. We collect and process sensitive data only after  approval of data owners. In compliance with the body of individual rights, we collect, process and use personal data only to the strictly necessary extent and only for the purposes for which they were provided.


BSports acts both on the basis of universal values ​​and ethical principles and in compliance with directives and laws in force. Within BSports we feel part of a community where respectful and trusting interaction between employees is considered of great value. Mutual esteem and trust are as important for us as respect towards each individual personality. For this reason, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment based on a different religion, ideology or sex. This prohibition is applied both within BSports and within relationships with our commercial partners.

In order to get closer to our business goal, our employees work with great commitment and enthusiasm. Supporting them in their personal and professional growth is extremely important for us. Equally important for us is being able to create agreeable working conditions and to offer a fair wage. The total remuneration, including the salary, overtime hours and ancillary work services, are always equal to or higher than the level established by the law in force. The remuneration due to a full-time employee must enable the employee to satisfy its basic needs.


In dealing with our business partners, we consider trust, fairness and a high degree of independence of great value. Our business decisions are met exclusively in the business interests of BSports, while private interests are set aside. We do not tolerate that third parties try to unfairly influence our employees in their decisions. We treat our business partners ethically and always in compliance with the rules. We abstain from any form of corrupt behavior and avoid any trace of it. We do not promise, grant or offer unauthorized benefits to obtain a favorable behavior or decision towards BSports. For this reason, we are very careful about gifts as well as invitations to business lunches and events. BSports pays attention to all laws and regulations in force in order to guarantee free competition. This applies especially to fair competition within commercial dynamics. For this reason, we are neither involved in agreements on pricing nor on agreed bans between competitors on market behavior. We are committed to building loyal relationships with our business partners and competitors and we do not abuse of the scope of action available to us. We do not disseminate false information about our competitors and we do not try to gain unfair competitive advantages. We explicitly refuse information abuses since we consider them as an unfair tool for obtaining information about our competitors.


A violation of the code of conduct and unlawful behavior may have serious consequences for the entire company. Therefore, professional misconduct must not be tolerated in any way. For this reason, the employees are held responsible for conscious illegal behavior or other violations with respect to the rules provided by the company’s code of conduct.

© BSports Management GmbH